How To Activate Rslogix 500
Posted : admin On 02.02.2019
Jan 21, 2008 It's an old and clunky activation system, but RSI can get it resolved in the space of a single phone call. Go ahead and call the UK offices. By the end of 2005 there will be a much more durable activation system in place for RSLogix, using a simple text key instead of hidden files and activation disks. When I moved the activation it somehow put the activation of the rslogix 5 onto the masterdisk of the new rslogix 500. Now, I can't move the activation ANYWHERE. I actually have two versions of RSLogix 500: Starter on my Desktop, and the Standard version on mylaptop. They each have their own activation on the respecti.
That's a blast from the past! If the ZIP disk didn't have a file called EVMOVE.SYS on it (try enabling Windows to show System files) then it doesn't have an old-fashioned EVRSI activation.
The zip drive only has one file, a text file with the license numbers on it. I used the license number when installing rslogix 500 and the installation program seemed to like it. Now the problem. When I run the rslogix 500 application I immediately get a message that says the software hasn't been activated and it will expire in 7 days.
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Point being many technicians are now able to upgrade or spec out systems such as idec that do not require activation schemes. One wonders if the bean counters are taking lost market share into their calculations.
I suspect that the reason for this is the lack of open standard data formats which would enable the exchange of data between software written by different parties. In the present market situation it would be possible to create an import/export mechanism between pairs of proprietary products, but not a free flow of data between any combination of products. Perhaps someone will have an example of software which actually implements something like this. What I find surprising though, is that this isn't the standard way of doing things.
I suspect driver issues, but it could also be hardware starting to fail. I know this is an old thread but I recently updated my m14x, same year as yours and I'm having some problems. Mainly with graphics driver. First HDMI wouldnt recognize my external monitor. Alienware m14x r2 command center.
Some software vendors will refuse to replace them unless you buy an annual software 'maintenance contract' from them. This is like being forced to buy a new car if you lose your car keys. -- ************************ Michael Griffin London, Ont.
From a manufacturer's point of view (for which we are one of PLCs) it has always been our belief that you cannot have a PLC without a method to program it, therefore the software is included with the controller. With the mass acceptance of the computer, you no longer need handheld programmers to do this. Thus, we now have programming software. One version for each manufacturer (and for some manufacturers, multiple versions for different products). If you find the right manufacturer, you might find one software package that will handle all of their controllers.
You just have to fill out a form transferring the license to the new owner. RA software is expensive and specialized and therefore very commonly pirated. For example, I have never seen a legitimate offer of RSI software on eBay.
No problem for Allen-Bradley. They make and sell hardware, not software. The fact that there is no way to program the PLCs will not in any way diminish their popularity with end users, because the hardware is excellent. Well, there may be sound reasons for splitting off a software business, but it is rather naive to believe that PLC software and hardware are independent, at least now that third party developers are largely gone. This is more about business that ethics, and suppliers and end users are obliged to look after their respective interests. On copy protection, they diverge. That's not really a fair statement I don't think.
It's an old and clunky activation system, but RSI can get it resolved in the space of a single phone call. Go ahead and call the UK offices.
-- ************************ Michael Griffin London, Ont. Canada ************************. Hi Michael That last part is something that I had been thinking about for a while. Since we (for the most part) work with a symbolic language, how is a ladder editor that much different from CAD? Why should you have to draw your system twice?
LEFT click on format 4. Under File system use the down arrow to select FAT32 5. If the option FAT32 is not there, go to a different computer 6. Under format options make sure Quick Format is NOT selected 7. Click on start to begin format If a firewall is blocking the attached files EVMoveCF and EVMoveW, then go to this website: Click on this link (IT'S THE 3RD QUESTION): How do I transfer activations to a VersaView 200R non-display computer?
If the ZIP disk didn't have a file called EVMOVE.SYS on it (try enabling Windows to show System files) then it doesn't have an old-fashioned EVRSI activation. You can also try pointing the EVMOVECF.EXE utility (available from the RA Knowledgebase) at the ZIP disk. Was the text file a *.LIC file, or just a TXT file with the serial numbers? RA licenses are transferrable; I do this all the time with software we purchase, use for development and installation, then sell to our end customers.
Software has to be purchased to use any PC. It doesn't 'come' with the PC. Just because it isn't broken out from the associated hardware doesn't mean you're not paying for it. Nothing is free.
NOTE: Temporary activations typically only last for 30 days, and they do not include a tech support contract. They are designed primarily as a trial period, and typically limited to one temporary activation per “client address” per “product.” Update: Rockwell recently extended access to the “temporary activation request form” to Machine & Equipment and Partner Level OEM's, as well as Recognized and Solution Partner System Integrators.