How To Install Perfect Drop Mod Diablo 2 Lod
Posted : admin On 12.02.2019This is a selection of modifications I’ve done for Diablo 2. 135 Responses to Diablo 2 Mods. Thanks for fast using perfect drop mod before. I have LoD 1.13D and PDM 107.2 up and running perfectly. My question is if there is an unlimited/shared stash mod that works with this combination and if there is, could someone give me VERY detailed installation instructions. Also, for ISMAEL, download the mod, unzip it, read the text file for the install, replace the one file in your D2 folder. Make sure your install is fresh and you have. Feb 19, 2011 The Phrozen Keep. Serving D2 Mod. Run the setup and type either I or U to install or uninstall. Diablo II must. Some of my Diablo 2 Mods Perfect Drop.
-Included.jpg images of each cube recipe for more clear understanding for new players. Tweaks: ---------- -Adjusted drop rates greatly & removed most Gold out of the formulas -Completely rebalanced and reworked item grade drops -Quality of Fragments achieved through transmuting with Obsidian Shards has been improved -Removed level requirements for all Runes and Gems -Reduced Mana Cost of Teleport to 1 -Piercing attributes on item now display the% chance -Converted all Enchanted Obsidians to Obsidian Shards. -Revamped existing Fragments and Moonstones including new/improved item graphics. -3x Fragment Grade 2 into Cube now creates a single Fragment Grade 3. -You must now have 3x Fragment Grade 3 to upgrade to a Moonstone. -Removed superfluous cube recipe: -6x Fragments -> 2x Fragment Grade 2 -Modified cube recipe(s): -Any socketed item + Moonstone + 2 Keys -> Unsockets item & Keeps gem(s) -Above recipe changed to: -Any socketed item + Moonstone + Any Skull -> Unsockets item & Keeps gem(s) -Adjusted max buy values (50k - 100k increased to 100k - 200k) New Additions: ------------------ -1.07 Unique items added -Drops will be the same as others and can be made in the cube like other uniques.
- Creed Set: replaced when 'struck' broadside proc to knife throw, increased chance to 50%. Reduced flat stats to +200. - Vizjun's Devices: adds +8 to assassin skills, and +10% to all max resistances instead of normal resistances. Increased heal after kill to +100. - Witchhunter's Attire: adds +150 life on melee attack, increased elemental pierce values to 75%. - Gathering of the Tribes: increased strength damage bonus from +30 to +70, increased earthquake on attack chance to 50%. - Big Game Hunter: now has 5% chance to cast Blast Wave on kill, and adds +66% faster run/walk.
Quests: Act 3: Khalim's Will is now dropped by Lachdanan. Act 2: Staff of Kings is now dropped by Plaguewrath. Cube Recipes (see: Cube Recipes thread) Dupe recipe is disabled Scroll of Resistances from Anya quest is now a cubable Lottery Recipe: less chance to work but better benefits. Dark Summon Recipe: merges your Book of Summoning to save inventory space. New recipes to upgrade signets. Mass Signet Disenchant: disenchant up to 25 Uniques/Sets (separatedly) at the same time! Custom Signets: check Cube recipes thread for more info.
219 downloads Uploaded: Want to download a 1-MB version of this patch instead? (requires v6d installed) GENERAL - Global buffs to most sets (see below). - Global level density reduction (see below). - Global reduction of effects on skills (see below). - Direct compatibility with The Sin War realm (for D2SE users). BUGFIXES - Finally fixed Time Strike proc on Segnitia, Dyers Eve and Inarius' Rock.
All mods require the Lord of Destruction expansion and at least version 1.12. Some mods may have different requirements, though, so check the included readme files for more information. Mods on this Page • • • • • • • • Demon Hunter Class Mod This mod modifies the Amazon class to be more like the Demon Hunter from Diablo 3.
Run with PlugY.exe and you'll be in fullscreen. As for the cube recipe.
I am glad you have finally worked on this mod again. This is Richardc269 (you probably remember me), I haven't played Diablo 2 in almost a year (mainly because I didn't really like the 1.06 version after a while).I kept getting the same type of items over & over again, and it became kind of stale. I think you should put more 'boss' monsters into the game again (I haven't tested 1.07 yet), like Rakanishu type bosses. Again, I am glad you finally updated this mod, and I can't wait to play this! I have LoD 1.13D and PDM 107.2 up and running perfectly. My question is if there is an unlimited/shared stash mod that works with this combination and if there is, could someone give me VERY detailed installation instructions. Also, for ISMAEL, download the mod, unzip it, read the text file for the install, replace the one file in your D2 folder.
New recipes to upgrade signets. Mass Signet Disenchant: disenchant up to 25 Uniques/Sets (separatedly) at the same time! Custom Signets: check Cube recipes thread for more info. Jewelcraftig: New recipe On (500 CP) - Life/Mana after kill. Shards: now there are shards that equal to 1,2,3 and 4 items (5 is crystal). Shard Disenchanting: now you can disenchant up to 10 uniques/sets (separatedly) to shards! UMO reroll recipe: 3x umo -> new UMO.
They may now be purchased from any of the healers in each Act to give purpose to picking up gold. ======= 1.07 ===== Fixes: ------- -A few non-working cube recipes fixed.
Quests: Act 3: Khalim's Will is now dropped by Lachdanan. Act 2: Staff of Kings is now dropped by Plaguewrath. Cube Recipes (see: Cube Recipes thread) Dupe recipe is disabled Scroll of Resistances from Anya quest is now a cubable Lottery Recipe: less chance to work but better benefits. Dark Summon Recipe: merges your Book of Summoning to save inventory space.
This mod will work with pirated versions too. Step 2 Download Median XL Ultimative, Step 3 You need to download a program called Plugy, this gives you infinite stash space and trust me you will need it. Step 4 Now before we do anything, Make sure your game is at version 1.13 not 1.14. This is essential to this working. Now if you bought the game it may automatically be 1.14, no problem. Just go and downgrade to 1.13.
(brotip: cube them) Several minor changes to smoothen the game. Items 227 New Sacred Uniques. 50 New Runewords. Rebalanced all Mystic Orbs.
Egistec es603 software. • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program). • On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following: • Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall a Program. • Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs. Or, you can uninstall EgisTec ES603 WDM Driver from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. • When you find the program EgisTec ES603 WDM Driver, click it, and then do one of the following: • Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall.
- Adria's Circle: increased sorceress skill levels to +12. - The Mysteries: increased defense to +4000, crushing blow to +25% and damage to +500. 158 downloads Uploaded: CHANGELOG FOR ALL OLDER VERSIONS: v1, v2, v3, v4 & v5. Other/Important All Uber Bosses / Act Bosses / Quest Bosses / Superuniques now have a long health bar. New Uberquest: Kabraxis New Uberquest: Athulua. New Uberquest: Uldyssian. New Uberquest: Diablo Clone (Multiplayer).

Character Specific Changes: this part of the list has not been compressed. I didn't do this so people can know specific changes about their builds and know what kind of character they will choose Amazon Ghost Arrow: reduced ND from 6 to 2 (HUGE damage buff), 1 arrow every 4 levels Moonbeam: Starts at 1 second duration, +0.2 per level Blood Elementals: starts at 5 elementals, cap is now 25 (up from 15). Blood Elementals now have 20% chance to cast Fire Cannonade on Death. Barrage now gains +4 arrows per level Hyena Strike: R; capped at 10% (down from 50%) Barrage: changed mechanics, new barrage density is high for very low time but leaves less arrows for a long period of time.
Current Version Info: 1.07b: -Added support for d2 v1.14b -Fixed a bug that enabled the creation of t3 fragments out of low grade items -Reduced drop rates -Annihilus and Hellfire Torch may both be created through the Cube -Uber cows have been swapped to Hell mode. Normal cows are back to their good old selves. -Horseshoes and Dragon Scales have been removed from drops.
After that is when the real game starts. There are so many end game dungeons to run. And not all of them can be done with just one character, you will find that certin builds can only do certin ones.
- Baal is now a lot easier. Druid - Is now the fastest character. - Gains more health per level and point into vitality. - Treewarden Morph: increased slow from 25% to 50%.
So if you wanna play singleplayer launch the game through Plugy.exe, if you want to play multiplayer launch with Diablo.exe the normal way. The classes are have completely different skill trees the amount of content in this mod is at least 10X what was in the original D2. The max level is 120.
This is mainly done by replacing the useless spear and javelin skills with all new skills. Many of these new skills are based on Assassin trap skills, so you could say that this is a merging of the two classes.
You must extract everything from file into your Diablo II directory folder. As you do so, you'll notice a 'data' folder in there. Scroll down and find Diablo II.exe Right-click it and click Create Shortcut Now, right-click that newly made shortcut and click Properties. The rest of the instructions are located in the folder called 'How to install mods' They're in jpg format to explain it more thoroughly.
Percent More XP than Last Level to get to Next Level XP to get to Next Level Level Difference This mod changes the amount of experience needed to reach levels 4 through 30 such that the frequency of leveling is more consistent. This change fixes the default leveling system where players level up very quickly early on (gaining 16 levels in Act 1) and hardly ever in the late game (gaining three levels in Act 4).
UMO reroll recipe: 3x umo -> new UMO. I Am Rich Gem: no longer dropped by secret boss, now requires 3 (changed) trophies again.
-Horseshoes and Dragon Scales have been removed from drops. They may now be purchased from any of the healers in each Act to give purpose to picking up gold. ======= 1.07 ===== Fixes: ------- -A few non-working cube recipes fixed. Should now work properly as described in the included Cube Recipes.html file. -Included.jpg images of each cube recipe for more clear understanding for new players.
Re-find them! - Elemental stones now properly work with runemaster.
- Zann Esu's Secrets: increased damage reduced to +50%, all resistances to +75%. - Elemental Children: increased lightning pierce to +150%.
Note, if unless you want awful drops, update to this version, drop rates of v6c are terribly awful, it was a precaution I implemented in case stuff had gone very wrong. Changelog - Secret Ureh Boss disabled. - Baal is now a lot easier. Druid - Is now the fastest character. - Gains more health per level and point into vitality. - Treewarden Morph: increased slow from 25% to 50%. - Trap Rat: max health is now 3000 up from 1500.
-- Guard Tower: no longer semi-transparent. -- Wyrd: reduced effects. FULL SET BONUSES (you don't need to re-find them!) - Scosglen's Legends: adds gives 15% chance to cast Fortress on Attack (up from 8) and +8 to Plague. - Vasily's Following: adds 30% chance to cast Glacial nova on Kill (up from 15), pierces 50% cold resistances and has a 20% chance to cast Javelin Nova on kill. - Rex Vex' Embrace: adds +150 to energy factor instead of Death Coil. - The Snake Pit Set: adds +150 life after each kill, increased flat damage to 250-1000.
-- Brimstone: reduced effects. -- Colosseum: reduced effects. Debuff now looks like Amplify Damage, but isn't (so it IS stackable with Amplify Damage). - Sorceress: -- Increased life and mana gained per level. -- Vengeful Power: now adds 25% max life, increased crush attacker chance cap to 75%. - Other: -- Lightning Wall: charged bolts (explosion missile) are now invisible.
Maps Modified following levels: All towns, Graveyard, Act 3 Sewers (new uber), River of Flame, Wolrdstone Keep 4, Flayer Dungeon 3, Spider Cavern (new uberlevel). Increased size of some mazes. Some places like Den of Evil, become bigger depending on difficulties.
The mod also allows all class-specific items to appear when gambling. The general breakdown for drop improvements are as follows: • 110% Better Chance for Unique Items • 35% Better Chance for Set Items • 10% Better Chance for Rare Items • 0% Better Chance for Magic Items • 16% Better Chance for High-Quality (e.g. Superior, socketed) Items • 100% Better Chance for Normal (non-junk) Items Also, lower level monsters have a better chance to drop higher quality or higher level items now. Gambling breakdown: • 79% Chance of Magic Item (was 89.85%) • 15% Chance of Rare Item (was 10%) • 4% Chance of Set Item (was 0.1%) • 2% Chance of Unique Item (was 0.05%) Note that because certain item types don’t have a unique or set item available (either by design or it’s already been dropped), the perceived chances for unique and set items may be lower. And finally, skulls have just as good a chance to drop as other gems now.
That will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for finding that =D The drop rates should also be improved. If you're having a hard time finding a specific item, use the cube recipes to your advantage. The Standard of Heroes charms will also be more common in the next updates, which will probably be released soon on It will also include the Super Cow Challenge.
Monsters Several Monster tweaks. Uberbosses/Superuniques/Questbosses Several tweaks to almost every endgame uberboss, matching difficulties. Many tweaks to those easy superuniques like Griswold or Blood raven.
- Quill Storm: now starts with 3 targets and triple amount of quills. - Spells: all have increased damage. What is your excuse now? Multiplayer Additions (on The Sin War realm) - New powerful 5 secret sacred uniques. - New 6 secret runewords. - New secret boss, follow the hints to find him.
1.07b: Support for 1.14b and more. Check the download section for more information on the latest update. ======= 1.07 ===== Fixes: ------- -A few non-working cube recipes fixed. Should now work properly as described in the included Cube Recipes.html file. Cube Recipes are now FULLY functional! -Included.JPG images of EACH cube recipe for more clear understanding for new players!!
Towers no longer look semi-transparent. - Druid: -- Quill Storm: decreased starting quill targets to 2. -- Elemental: reduced effects.
I Am Rich Gem: no longer dropped by secret boss, now requires 3 (changed) trophies again. Monsters Several Monster tweaks. Uberbosses/Superuniques/Questbosses Several tweaks to almost every endgame uberboss, matching difficulties. Many tweaks to those easy superuniques like Griswold or Blood raven.
This is a guide on how to install Median XL mod into Diablo 2. Is a great mod for Diablo 2 and it brings so much content to a already great game. Download the game with expansion. This mod will work with pirated versions too. Step 2 Download Median XL Ultimative, Step 3 You need to download a program called Plugy, this gives you infinite stash space and trust me you will need it. Step 4 Now before we do anything, Make sure your game is at version 1.13 not 1.14. This is essential to this working.
This is mainly done by replacing the useless spear and javelin skills with all new skills. Many of these new skills are based on Assassin trap skills, so you could say that this is a merging of the two classes.
- Diablo Clone: heavily reduced animations and effects. - Firebloods: now spawn in packs of 3-4. - Shredders: reduced pack size to 3-4. CHARACTERS - Amazon: -- Bloodstorm: doubled speed of each bolt.
Barbarian Runemaster: starts at lower def bonus but gains 0.5 def per hard point. Snake Stance: &#xsl;ow cap is now 50%. Bear Stance: now starts at 25 R; +1 R; per hard point, now capped at 100 R. Gets 5% extra damage per soft point. Stormblast: reduced weapon damage from 3/4 to 1/2 Overkill: now starts with 40 axes and gains 5 per hard point. Bear claw: now starts with no mana cost. All Spirits: start at 3 minions, they FOLLOW you now!
Just drag and drop it in the Diablo 2 directory. Let it overwrite. Now install plugy to the same place as your diablo 2 files. Step 6 Now when you start up the game it should look like this. Hope this works for you all that wanna try this great mod, you can also play online but ill leave that too you to figure out, just check the forums. Also check out, you'll need it because the amount of content in this game is staggering and it took me years just to start to get a handle on all of the stuff. Also you can run this with the d2se mod manager but i find it easier just to replace the Patch_d2.mpq file myself.
Uberquests Kingdom of Shadows: darkwardens now have a small chance to spawn there, casting tremor on death. Rathma Square: now spawns flying scimitars with huge life regen.
I am glad you have finally worked on this mod again. This is Richardc269 (you probably remember me), I haven't played Diablo 2 in almost a year (mainly because I didn't really like the 1.06 version after a while).I kept getting the same type of items over & over again, and it became kind of stale.
Let it overwrite. Now install plugy to the same place as your diablo 2 files. Step 6 Now when you start up the game it should look like this. Hope this works for you all that wanna try this great mod, you can also play online but ill leave that too you to figure out, just check the forums.